Good sleep

Sleep covers basic and vital needs. Good sleep quality and enough sleep are at least as crucial to health as the right diet and sufficient physical activity.

Sleep and recovery are daily needs and therefore cannot be delayed without this entailing an adverse health burden. Studies show that sleep is essential for memory, learning, mood, productivity, profit and creativity.

In addition, little sleep over time will increase the risk of you developing mental and physical disorders - such as anxiety, depression, dementia, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases.

sleep disorders

The incidence of sleep disorders increases with age and around 50 per cent of all over 65s report that they have sleep difficulties. The burden that sleep problems bring with them for home residents and relatives can be the triggering reason for a service recipient to be admitted to a nursing home.

Unnecessary waking up at night when health personnel carry out physical inspections should be avoided. When service recipients wake up at night, many go to the toilet, and this increases the risk of falls. Many fall accidents at night can be prevented by switching to digital supervision.


By performing supervision digitally, home residents and residents in nursing homes and hospitals will be able to sleep undisturbed throughout the night. In addition, time is freed up for night guards who do not have to sit in a car between service recipients.

The number of supervisions each service recipient receives will be able to be increased without additional staffing. Costs of using a car are reduced, working hours per supervision is reduced and the environment is saved from emissions.This way it will be a win-win for everyone!